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Horse Column

Kylie Rose Caraway                                                                                         1 – 13 – 20 

Pre – Journalism                                                                                                  WOMS
                                                  Horse Column Writing 


A horse to some people may be just an animal, but to me, horses are far more unique and intriguing. 


Horses and humans interact in a wide variety of sport competitions and non-competitive recreational pursuits, as well as in working activities such as police work, agriculture, entertainment, and therapy. 


Between 700 and 800 racehorses are injured and die every year, with a national average of about two breakdowns for every 1,000 starts. According to The Jockey Club’s Equine Injury Database, nearly 10 horses died every week at American racetracks as of 2018.


The Thoroughbred-racing industry sends an estimated 10,000 horses to slaughter annually, meaning that half of the 20,000 newborn horses, also known as foals, born each year will eventually be killed for their flesh and meat components.


Most of these deaths are the result of the following: limb injuries, respiratory, digestive, and multiorgan system disorders. In fact, most of the horse deaths at Santa Anita Park in recent months were due to limb injuries.      


For some thoroughbreds, the slaughterhouse could await. Of the estimated 46,000 thoroughbreds racing at American tracks in a normal year, between 11,000 and 13,000 of which are retired and need new homes. That number is already dramatically climbing because of the pandemic. Thousands of racehorses have been idled since the coronavirus pandemic overtook the country in mid-March. When thoroughbreds cannot compete, no prize money is presented to pay the owners, the trainers, the  jockeys, the  stable hands, or to pay for the room and board. 


In conclusion, horses are more than just an animal. They are loving loyal companions that don’t deserve to be slaughtered due to the lack of money or for their meat and flesh.  


My Dream For A Better World

My dream for a better world is that all people would have a roof over their head and food to eat, animals would be treated fairly, and getting the health they need. I wish everyone would have a friend to help them through hard times. Another wish of mine is to own a horse. I hope that I will someday I will be able to graduate from college with straight a's and become a vet. I also wish that everybody would know the name of Jesus Christ. Everybody has a dream, what is yours?

Fox sightings in my backyard !

Every night around 10:30 I had been seeing an  orange flash past our backyard . I was tired of wandering what I was seeing every night so I decided to just to stay up however  long it took ,and just finally be able to see what i was get a glimpse  of everynight . So it was the night that    I was finally going to catch what I had been seeing , but I didn’t just want to see it with my eyes I wanted to catch it on camera . So I had an idea pop up in my head . I was going to set up two cameras using me and my sisters kindle’s . My kindle was  a far shot of our pasture ( where I thought this creature was coming from considering we had a creek not to far behind our house with a decent food source ) while Mckayla ( my younger sister ) had her ipad facing the cat food bowls . So it was around 10:52 and my storage had just reached my limit on space for camera . I had to work as fast as I could to get my storage back to normal so I could get my camera set up again that way if it came I would have it on camera considering I had the best angle (in my opinion ) . So I had just finished and I was just about  to  turn my camera back on when I saw that orange figure I had seen before , but close up . I couldn’t believe it I had never thought I would be able to see a fox up close . It was orange with white on the tip of it’s tail  . I have studied foxes in the past and by the look of it I could tell it was part swift for sure . I will continue to be on look out for the fox , and I will attempt to get a photo of the fox and make sure to manage my storage before hand . I will keep updated . Sorry I couldn’t  snap a photo ,but they have super good vision and hearing so wish me luck .

Fyi the fox  was coming to our house for the cat food which we left outside all day and night , because we have outdoor cats .

Who Made the Flag ?

I think  Betsy Ross made the first American flag  .  She had flag making experiences and owned a shop . Another reason I think   Betsy Ross made the first American flag  was the fact that they  found one of her stars in Samuel Wetherill’s safe.  The star has been in his safe since 1776 , which was the year that Colonel Ross  and George Washington came into Besty’s  shop .  I just think it was coincidental for so much to happen in such a short time period .

Patriot Poem

      An understanding wife who supported her husband during war

                                             Kept her family farm running 

                                                 Intelligent young lady 

                                                    Abigail Adams

                                                Very strong woman 

                                           Watched the Bunker Hill fight 

                                Wrote letters to her husband , John Adams 

                              Let the homeless stay at her house for awhile     

Portrait of Abigail Adams


“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.”   One reason I think you should do  some type of service on the day we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr   is because  he   worked day after day and he most likely wouldn’t want the day he is celebrated to be a day where you would do nothing . One thing he use to say  is  “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve “. If it wasn’t for his bravery , kindness, and his servis   black and white people wouldn’t be treated the same .  Those are just a few reasons i think you should do some type of  serveis . 

       My day of serveis 

On Monday January  20th  I served in small  but helpful ways . I donated some of my clothes to Goodwill  . I think this was  helpful to people who can’t afford to buy clothes at the price it is at the mall or any other store .     Whether it is used  for a craft or  as a piece  of  clothing i am glad that i donated to help others  in need of clothes . Another way I served on Martin Luther King  Day is by  making breakfast . It was a simple task ,but  it was helpful to my family that morning . Did you serve on Martin Luther King Day ?